Reliable Responsive Care
Kirsty 15
Kirsty 15

What we do Our Services

Support with daily life

We help people with a huge range of challenges to continue living in their own home, providing assistance with daily life. Support packages are tailored to the individual: for some people this looks like just one hour daily or weekly, while for others it means longer periods of support including overnight stays and weekends.

We can help with all aspects of daily life, including light housework and community connections to enable service users to be active in the community and do things such as visit clubs, go to college, undertake a work placement - or anything else they might want to do.

Respite care and specialist services

In addition to assistance with daily life, we can provide enhanced support and care including:

  • Complex care packages, including specialist medical needs such as peg feeding
  • Palliative care
  • Specialist children's services
  • Respite care to give carers a break.

Our friendly team is always happy to discuss our services in more detail.

Pamela 11
Jeanette 6 1

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